Talent Strategy

Like our education system, the job market for educators in Baton Rouge is poised for transformation. Seizing this opportunity, NSBR seeks to redefine what is possible for both students and teachers. Building on our initial focus on bringing more teachers to Baton Rouge, NSBR now seeks to empower our partner schools to create strategies to recruit, develop, and retain both new and veteran educators through positive and supportive work and learning environments.

Research shows that while many factors contribute to a student’s academic performance, among school-related factors, teachers matter most. NSBR’s key goal is to cultivate a sustainable and diverse talent market in which teachers are elevated into lifelong education professionals dedicated to Baton Rouge. 

Teacher Recruitment

To ensure that our partner schools are staffed with highly-qualified educators, NSBR invests in programs that encourage high school students, college students, and talented adults looking for a career change to enter the teaching profession.

Teacher Development & Support

A truly effective educator never stops learning. Thus, NSBR also invests in development opportunities for teachers around instructional rigor, content expertise, and culturally responsive practices so that educators are empowered to learn and grow throughout their career.

Talent Management & Retention

After investing in recruiting and developing high-quality teachers, it is important to protect our investment by ensuring that our partner schools are retaining their skilled educators. This means working with leadership teams to cultivate policies and best practices when it comes to managing teachers, thus creating a positive workplace environment where teachers feel empowered.

Learn more at Teach225


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